Gardeners in the City of the Future: An Interview with Eric Baczuk

City skyline

Imagining a future with digital interfaces that might be a bit more natural and more humane than what is currently available

July 8, 2019
Aarni Heiskanen - AEC Business

I had the pleasure of interviewing Eric Baczuk, Designer at Google. We discuss his views on the future urban experience and design. We also touch on Sidewalk Labs of which Eric was a founding team member.

What are you working on currently?

I lead a design team imagining future of communication and thinking about possibilities for what–if anything–might replace the smartphone in our daily lives. What could be the next affordance or device that could offer us a more seamless interface with the digital world?

Can you be more specific about the interfaces?

It’s really just imagining a future with digital interfaces that might be a bit more natural and more humane than what is currently available. In many ways, I think the phone has monopolized social life. You see people standing on the street, for example, waiting for the bus, and 99 percent will have their noses glued to their phones. I think it’s quite anti-social, and in some ways, prevents the friendly, serendipitous encounters that used to be so characteristic of urban living.

Mr. Heiskanen may be contacted at


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