An unusual financing term allowed the owner of a project a complete escape from any liability on a project despite significant work being performed.
For this week’s Guest Post Friday, Musings welcomes Timothy R. Hughes, Esq., LEED AP. Tim (@vaconstruction on Twitter) is Of Counsel to the Arlington, Virginia firm of Bean, Kinney & Korman, P.C. In his practice as a business, corporate, and construction law attorney, Tim served as the previous Chair of the Construction Law and Public Contracts Section of the Virginia State Bar. He has served in numerous volunteer, board and leadership roles with such organizations as the Arlington Chamber of Commerce, the Northern Virginia Building Industry Association, Vanguard Services Unlimited, Leadership Arlington, Associated Builders & Contractors (Metro DC and Virginia), and numerous other volunteer and construction trade association activities. A regular speaker and writer, Tim is the lead editor of his firm blog, Virginia Real Estate, Land Use and Construction Law.
A recent Virginia case once again demonstrates that contract terms matter. An unusual financing term allowed the owner of a project a complete escape from any liability on a project despite significant work being performed. The opinion from the Circuit Court of Norfolk involved five separate cases consolidated together, four claims by subcontractors and one by the general contractor Turner. All five cases hinged on an unusual financing clause in Turner’s contract with the other. That provision stated:
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