"News and Information for Construction Defect and Claims Professionals"

Supreme Court Takes on Insurance Dispute

April 18, 2023
Lara Degenhart Cassidy & Adriana A. Perez - Hunton Insurance Recovery Blog

On Monday, March 6, the US Supreme Court agreed to hear an insurance coverage dispute, Great Lakes Insurance SE v. Raiders Retreat Realty Co., LLC. Insurance cases are few and far between in the high court, so both policyholders and their insurers will be watching the Great Lakes case with great interest. Notably, while the case involves the specialized area of maritime law, how the Supreme Court chooses to address the choice-of-law issue it presents could have much broader implications.

Reprinted courtesy of Lara Degenhart Cassidy, Hunton Andrews Kurth and Adriana A. Perez, Hunton Andrews Kurth
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