This episode of the Subro Sessions podcast, the first of a two-part series entitled: “Speak Now or Forever Sign That Release - Part 1,” is hosted by Gus Sara and Lian Skaf, Partners.
This episode of the Subro Sessions podcast, the first of a two-part series entitled: “Speak Now or Forever Sign That Release - Part 1,” is hosted by Gus Sara and Lian Skaf, Partners. This episode discusses the topic of subrogation settlement releases including guidance for the parties that draft the releases, obstacles that subrogation professionals typically run into, inclusion of the insured as a signatory and suggestions on specific language to use in the settlement process.
Reprinted courtesy of Gus Sara, White and Williams LLP and Lian Skaf, White and Williams LLP
Mr. Sara may be contacted at sarag@whiteandwilliams.com
Mr. Skaf may be contacted at skafl@whiteandwilliams.com