"News and Information for Construction Defect and Claims Professionals"


A Look Back at the Ollies

Trophy on Grass

The Ollie is presented to an individual who has contributed to the betterment of the construction defect community.

May 3, 2018
Beverley BevenFlorez-CDJ STAFF

The Jerrold S. Oliver Award of Excellence, also known as the “Ollie” award, is presented to “an individual who is outstanding or has contributed to the betterment of the construction defect community.” West Coast Casualty asks members of the construction defect community to nominate those they feel are deserving of the award, and then members vote for one of four nominees. The award is presented at the West Coast Casualty Seminar. Those recognized receive a plaque and a donation in the winner’s name to Habitat for Humanity as well as a local California and Nevada charity.

Jerrold S. Oliver was a “’founding father’ in the alternate resolution process in construction defect claims and litigation. His loyalty and commitment to this community were beyond mere words as he was a true believer in the process of resolution.”

Past Award Winners:
1996 - Awarded to Ross R. Hart, Esq. (Mediator - American Arbitration Assoc.)
1997 - Awarded to Merv Thompson, Esq. (Mediator in private practice)
1999 - Awarded to Tom Craigo, (Adjuster - C.N.A. Insurance Company)
2000 - Awarded to Kristi Cole, (Adjuster - Safeco Insurance Company)
2001 - Awarded to Karen Rice, (Claims Manager - ACE / USA)
2002 - Awarded to Stephen Henning, Esq. (Wood, Smith, Henning and Berman, LLP)
2003 - Awarded to Ross Feinberg, Esq. (Feldscott, Lee, Feinberg, Grant and Mayfield LLP)
2004 - Awarded to Janet Shipes (Adjuster – C.N.A. Insurance Company)
2005 - Awarded to Edward Martinet (Expert – MC Consultants)
2006 - Awarded to Hon. Victoria V. Chaney (Judge – Los Angeles Superior Court)
2007 - Awarded to Bruce Edwards, Esq. (Mediator) JAMS
2008 - Awarded to Gerald Kurland, Esq. (Mediator) JAMS
2009 - Awarded to Keith Koeller, Esq. (Koeller, Nebecker, Carlson and Haluck, LLP)
2010 - Awarded to Terry Wolcott – (Construction Defect Manager – Travelers Ins. Co.)
2011 - Awarded to George Calkins, Esq. (Mediator) JAMS
2012 - Awarded to Joyia Greenfield, Esq. (Lorber, Greenfield and Polito, LLP)
2013 - Awarded to Margee Luper (Claim Manager – XL Insurance Group)
2014 - Awarded to Matt Liedle, Esq. (Liedle, Lounsbery, Larson & Lidl, LLP)
2015 - Awarded to Robert A. Bellagamba, Esq. (Special Master/Mediator, Castle & Dekker)
2016 - Awarded to Lisa Unger, (Senior Claims Examiner, Global Management Liability Markel)
2017 - Awarded to Caryn Siebert, (Vice President, Claims, Knight Insurance Group)

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