ABA Forum on Construction Law 2023 Regional

September 25, 2023
Beverley BevenFlorez – CDJ Staff

The American Bar Association (ABA) presents four, regional seminars on Construction Law this Fall. The two-day events will be held in St. Louis, San Francisco, Philadelphia, and Atlanta and they feature a “continuing legal education program combining two of the Forum’s most popular Regional Programs on consecutive days – Fundamentals of Construction Law (for the legal angle) and Sticks & Bricks (for the technical piece).” Attendees “will learn essential technical and legal underpinnings of construction, including the key elements of vertical construction systems and technology, the roles of the key participants in a project, the structure of project delivery systems, the bidding and construction process, insurance and bonding requirements, scheduling on construction projects, and much more!”

November 2nd-3rd, 2023
In Person, Various Locations

Read the full story, St. Louis...
Read the full story, San Francisco...
Read the full story, Philadelphia...
Read the full story, Atlanta...


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