Action Needed: HB24-1230 Spells Trouble for Colorado Construction Industry and its Insurers

Legislation word on paper in typewriter

Representatives Parenti and Bacon seek to extend Colorado’s statute of repose for construction defect actions from 6+2 years to 10+2 years.

March 25, 2024
David McLain - Higgins, Hopkins, McLain & Roswell, LLC

In an apparent gift to plaintiffs’ construction defect lawyers, Representatives Parenti and Bacon introduced House Bill 24-1230 on February 12, 2024. The bill was assigned to the House Judiciary Committee and is scheduled for hearing on March 6th, during the afternoon session beginning at 1:30 pm. To date, the bill does not have any senate sponsors, perhaps because the senators are more interested in serving their constituents’ needs for attainable housing than in lining the pockets of their plaintiffs’ construction defect attorney friends.

According to the bill’s summary, HB 24-1230 contains the following provisions:

Current law declares void any express waivers of or limitations on the legal rights or remedies provided by the “Construction Defect Action Reform Act” or the “Colorado Consumer Protection Act.” Sections 1 and 4 make it a violation of the “Colorado Consumer Protection Act” to obtain or attempt to obtain a waiver or limitation that violates the aforementioned current law.

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