The National Labor Relations Board Joint Employer Standard is Vacated by the Eastern District of Texas

Texas flag with map

Many parties including the Associated Builders and Contractors, Associated General Contractors of America, and others filed a complaint in the Eastern District of Texas requesting a declaratory judgment and injunctive relief against the NLRB.

April 22, 2024
Andrew G. Vicknair - The Dispute Resolver

Many employment laws use the concept of joint employer to make more than one business entity responsible for complying with employment law obligations towards employees who to varying degrees work for, or under the direction of entities who are not technically the employees primary employer. Nowhere is that issue more prevalent than in contractor subcontractor relationships. Over the years the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) has developed various tests for determining joint employer status. Unless a business entity is an employer of individuals, the NLRB has no jurisdiction over a dispute between the workers and a business entity for whom they work.

It is important for contractors to understand the importance of being an employer and the obligations that flow from such status. Likewise, it is also important to understand when a contractor may be classified as a “joint employer” over certain individuals. Depending on the specific laws involved, such a finding of joint-employer status can happen under the “joint employer doctrine” which often exists in subcontractor and temporary employment arrangements. The “joint-employer doctrine” may render a contractor responsible for another company’s employment liabilities.

Mr. Vicknair may be contacted at


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