Navigating Threshold Arbitration Issues in Construction Contracts

Two businessmen across from table with contracts

In Seifert, an owner sued a homebuilder in Texas federal court for breach of contract and sought damages and declaratory relief.

April 29, 2024
Daniel D. McMillan and TJ Auner - The Dispute Resolver

Including an arbitration clause in your construction contract may not mean that your dispute will be confined to arbitration. Instead, parties often find themselves in court litigating threshold issues related to the existence and/or enforceability of an arbitration clause. Common issues include whether the underlying contract containing the arbitration clause is valid, whether the dispute falls within the scope of the clause, whether the parties complied with contractual prerequisites to arbitration, whether issues related to arbitrability are decided by the court or arbitrator, and whether one of the parties has waived their right to arbitrate. This blog post highlights two recent construction cases addressing threshold issues that a party seeking to enforce—or oppose enforcing—an arbitration clause might face.

Seifert v. United Built Homes, LLC: Delegating Issues of Arbitrability to the Arbitrator

In Seifert, an owner sued a homebuilder in Texas federal court for breach of contract and sought damages and declaratory relief. No. 3:22-CV-1360-E, 2023 WL 4826206 (N.D. Tex. July 27, 2023). The builder moved to compel arbitration. The owner opposed and argued that: (1) there was no agreement to arbitrate because the underlying contract was null and void, and (2) its claim for declaratory relief fell outside the scope of the arbitration clause. The court did not address the merits of either argument. Instead, it determined that these were issues for the arbitrator to decide.

Reprinted courtesy of Daniel D. McMillan, Jones Day and TJ Auner, Jones Day

Mr. McMillan may be contacted at
Mr. Auner may be contacted at


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