A New Study on Implementing Digital Visual Management

Report on typewriter

A new paper, “Implementing Digital Visual Management: A Case Study on Challenges and Barriers,” discusses situational management in complex infrastructure projects.

July 31, 2024
Aarni Heiskanen - AEC Business

A new paper, “Implementing Digital Visual Management: A Case Study on Challenges and Barriers,” discusses situational management in complex infrastructure projects. It’s worth reading for anyone interested in improving project management with digital tools.

A complex infrastructure project
The authors interviewed nine project management professionals who worked for the client on constructing the western part of the Metro in Helsinki and Espoo, Finland. The project lasted eight years and had a budget of 1,200 million euros.

The project used a Digital Visual Management (DVM) tool, and the paper discusses the challenges and barriers faced during the tool’s implementation. At the time of the study, the system was used to manage the final documentation and testing status.

KPI management
The project management team was involved in developing a system for combining collected data into a central dashboard and using it to manage the whole project.

Mr. Heiskanen may be contacted at aec-business@aepartners.fi


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